Beginning of the Path
الناشر: شبكة المعارف الإسلامية
تاريخ الإصدار: 2018-03
النسخة: 0
مركز المعارف للتأليف والتحقيق
الناشر: شبكة المعارف الإسلامية
تاريخ الإصدار: 2018-03
النسخة: 0
مركز المعارف للتأليف والتحقيق
Lesson One:
and a light whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of darkness, from which he can never come out? Thus to those without faith their own deeds seem pleasing.”[1]
youth, etc… Here they are before you today: all old and elderly. Their heads have become as white as snow, and their faces are marked with the traces of time. They are vulnerable and sick today. Where are youth, beauty, power, vigor and health?
bodies and flesh.
c- Every poor leads a life of misery whereas every rich leads a life of happiness. _____
Answer: It is the intellect which is given to us by Allah. Due to mind, we were preferred to all animals. We, for instance, do not put our hand in fire, drink poison or stab ourselves with a knife to death because we have a mind that prevents us from performing such actions that lead to our bereavement.
the earth of which we eat. Would you believe if one told you that he suspects that someone had created these things and made them available for us?
and die? Also, by structure, we need eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to build, work, plant, etc… and we need legs to walk etc…
and tries to get rid of poverty by asking You has followed the correct way. On the contrary, he whoever seeks help and searches for his needs from someone else or some of your creatures shall never find what he is longing for and none of his aspirations shall come true. He shall be deprived."(1)
The sultan said, "O Sir! Do you see the Sheikh leading the convoy with no courtesy unlike you?"
Allah is close but his servants are far … You do not veil Yourself from Your creatures unless their own misdeeds would block them from You.(1)
creates the sun and the moon and makes them work for us. He holds the skies, makes them rain and causes plants to grow. Anything that we need, Allah has made it work for us. Allah is the Lord; that is, raising humans and other beings is within His Hand. He leads us to reach the purpose of our existence: happiness. Since we are being created and formed within the wombs of our mothers through our deaths, Allah keeps on taking care of us and providing us with our physical needs, without forgetting our spiritual needs. As He sent us rain, He sent divine, holy books. As he created a lighting sun and glowing moon, He sent us prophets, messengers and Imams. So, as He is the one who provides us with food and drink, as Ibrahim (PBUH) says:
What is this call about?
who was dead, to whom We gave life, and a light whereby he can walk amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of darkness, from which he can never come out?"(1)
Additional Reading:
As we previously mentioned, we are called by Allah to come to him. Allah has honored us with such a call, but let us presume that a great, renowned person invited one of us to a feast during which the latter is to be honored, and supposing that the guest likes that host and the guest wishes to win his host’s friendship, we shall see guest taking care of every thing that makes him look decent in order to meet such a host. You shall see that the guest would do his best to be up to the meeting with such person.
His clothes would become dirty and he shall look repulsive.
Imam Al Rida (PBUH) said about Ritual Ablution or Wudui, "A servant must be purified whenever he is to stand before Allah for prostration, thus obeying Him in all His orders so pure of the filth and impurities. Purity deletes idleness and slumberousness and chastens the heart to be fit to appear before Allah."
always revive them with knowledge, good work and true doctrines and beliefs.
4- Wipe the forefront of your head top to down for a minimum width of your finger.
Additional Reading:
pleasures of life may take away our lives and the monies, fun and vanity may divert us from the purpose of our creation. Thus, we forget our creator and get lost. We only taste the material things related to life and fail to remember the pleasures of worship and knowing Allah.
man with Allah, alarms man and guides him to the right path and prevents him from getting astray. It is an alarm that wakes up from going in too deep in the pleasures of life and tells us that there is a god, heaven, hell and responsibilities other than work, sleep, money and having fun that are more important. Prayer reminds us of the real goals of existence so that we do not forget the same as we become busy in many other issues. By establishing prayer, we remember Allah; we remember our goals; we remember our hereafter.
The answer is: Allah Almighty first wanted prayer to be a means of mentioning Allah. Any prayer does not perform its goal if it is associated with incautiousness and forgetting Allah. As a result, it is not a prayer. Allah says, "So woe to the worshipers, who are neglectful of their prayers."(1)
Performing Prayer:
praying the Morning Prayer, say, "Ashhad Ann La Ilah Illa Allah Wahdahou La Sharik Lah Wa Ashhad Ann Mohamad Abduhu Wa Rasuluh, Alahom Sali Aala Mohamad Wa Al Mohamad (I testify that Allah is the one God who has no partner and that Mohamad is his servant and messenger; Prayer be upon Mohamad and his desendants)." Then say, "Assalam Alaik Aiyouha Al Nabi Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatoh; Assalam Alina Wa Aala Ibad Allah Al Salihin; Assalam Alikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatoh (Peace, mercy and graces of Allah be upon You, O ye the Apostle of Allah; Peace, mercy and graces of Allah be upon us and upon the good worshipers of Allah; Peace, mercy and graces of Allah be upon you)."
Additional Reading:
Qur’an is the banquet of soul and mind. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) says, "This Qur’an is a banquet of Allah. So, learn form His banquet as much as you can."(1) Qur’an also described the passage form the darkness of ignorance into the light of knowing Allah, "… A Book which We have revealed unto thee, in order that thou mightest lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light -"(2). Qur’an is also a prescription for healing the disease of the soul, "We send down (stage by stage) in the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe:"(3)
condition that such a person abides by the codes and courtesy of conduct in the presence of this great kind. In such an invitation, there is a description for reaching such a banquet and how to benefit from such a presence. But when the guest saw the beauty of the invitation card and that it is stamped with the great seal of the King of Kings, he kissed and made a frame for the same where he reserved it and kept it in the middle of his house so that his guest would look proudly at it. He never read it, never answered its calls and never abided by its courtesies. He only admired its sender and was taken by its decorations. Should he read it, he only pronounced the words it contained and listened to the sounds contained therein without comprehending their meanings. Well, the pronunciation of Allah’s words is the words of Allah. It is also the light of Allah. Hence, reading, writing, listening and looking to the same are all beneficial and useful. Despite the same, what is wanted is more just than looking, listening or reading. The aims and blessings of the Qur’an are greater. So, come and let us know and search for these benefits and blessings.
verses of the Qur’an are also a treatment for the soul, whoever never does it will be like someone who had gone to a physician who prescribed treatment for him, but the patient took it, kept it and never applied it. Would he be cured then? The same applies to those who are putting Qur’an aside, for Qur’an is the divine healing prescription.
"When thou dost read the Qur'an, seek Allah's protection from Satan the rejected one."(1)
Additional Reading:
all need a teacher, a fireplace, a cooler, etc… Our existence is detailed with poverty and needs. Why?
that the outcome of dua’a for us will be knowing ourselves, satisfying our needs and knowing Allah Almighty and to taste the sweetness of being close to Him and closely examine his unlimited generosity. This is why He said, "When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them)…"(1)
wildness. When we confess our vulnerability and sins, we wish Allah could fix these souls and heal them from their diseases.
One of the Divine Hadith reported reads, "O Issa! Supplicate me like a drowning person or a sad person who has no other aid. O Issa! Humiliate your heart for me and mention me much when you are alone. Know that I will be pleased when you sneak on me. Be alive in this and do not be dead in that. Let me hear a sad voice."(1)
1 Al Kaki, v8, p138
2 Rawdat Al Wa’aizin, p333
Supplication is highly recommended that is made in every prayer in the middle of our prayer, so let us choose for ourselves what the Descendents of the Messenger of Allah (PBUT) used to say or what is included in the Holy Qur’an.
Additional Reading:
in Heaven."(1) In their life, people work hard and gets tired. They need to refresh their power and nourishment for continuity of their material life and to provide these bodies with necessary power.
take them as friends and brothers. Most importantly, mosque is the place where we all stand performing prayer. In the mosque, the worship of Allah is manifested just like the unity in worship which does not distinguish among rich and poor, bosses and employees. As it is the place where we perform collective prayer, the mosque forms the unification factor of Muslims.
Mosques are places where Allah is worshiped, so one have to preserve their sanctities by maintaining their cleanliness and purity, keeping one’s voice low, talk only mentioning Allah, keep performing worships in them such as performing a supplication, attending a lesson, and praying and we must not desert them.
"It is too enormous…" So, the best way to perform prayer and to be uplifted to Allah is to cooperate on performing it. Our prayer might not be performed as they are supposed to be and thus they are not lifted. Therefore, we refuge to whoever helps us and we cooperate with him to uplift us. This is made through the collective prayer because when performing it as such, it will be accepted even if only one's prayer is accepted. In addition, when performing collective prayer the reward will be doubled.
Means to Allah (PART I)
others to take care of him in his life. Allah likes people to know him and tenderly talk to them like a mother talking tenderly to her child. There should be a mediator between them as the mother emits her tenderness to her child through her tongue. Similarly, Allah talks to people through messengers who are true and honest who convey the words of the Creator to His Creatures. Because they are humans, they need other humans to talk to them so that they do not feel alienated. Because people have no way to Him unless what they are familiar with, he sent them messengers from them conveying his verses…
Whereas Allah by his favor, mercy and position as God wants to lead the human to Him and makes him know Him, Allah has sent his messengers and concluded them with their master Mohamad (PBUH) so that he could be as one who invites to the grace of Allah via His permission. There is a great place built up by Allah where there is a great banquet to honor human beings. Therefore, he had sent them invitation cards to this place and banquet with a messenger of His. Along with such messenger, Allah sends a map to reach this place and gives his messenger the permission to talk to humans about that place and what it contains to make them long for it. These messengers describe that place and how to get to it and what would happen if they refused to obey, "O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings, and Warner and as one who invites to Allah's (grace) by His leave…"
these graces is to meet the same with a positive response and never leave them aside.
mentioning Allah? You have to answer. If you have not responded so far, you still have a chance. Seize this chance and come to the banquet of Allah; do not turn away from mentioning Him, and know the right of Allah and the right of Prophet Mohamad (PBUH) on you.
Additional Reading:
Means to Allah (PART II)
guide? Is it wise to do that? Isn’t it a waste of time and effort of the Prophet’s work? This is why Allah says, "O Messenger! proclaim the (message) which hath been sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst not, thou wouldst not have fulfilled and proclaimed His mission. And Allah will defend thee from men (who mean mischief)."(1)
As people in the time of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) needed a guide, a leader and an idol, they also need a leader and an Imam in their journey to Allah after the Prophet. They need a leader to walk after so that they wouldn’t go astray and deviate from the right path. "And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves…"(1)
Or, "If you hold fast to what I am leaving among you, you shall never go astray: the Book of Allah and my close descendants."(1)
and being close to someone close to Allah is closeness to Allah. They are the gate that leads to Him. "Where is the Door of Allah that he is approached from?"(1)
so that your heart be with them in order to be with them in life and the hereafter and to get Allah’s satisfaction and their love. Follow them because a lover would follow his beloved and one remains with whomever he loves.
his successor. _____
Means (Way) to Allah (PART III)
he has and asks him to take care of his family. He also asks the trustee to provide for them during his absence. Imam Al Mahdi has taken Imama after the martyrdom of his father Al Hassan Al Askary by orders from Allah and without being able to perform his duties in public due to the Abbasid Caliphs who wanted to kill him. They knew that he was the twelfth Imam who would fill this whole world with justice after it had been filled with injustice and tyranny. They tried hard to put out that divine light but Allah’s words were done, "Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it)."(1)
But to whom this nation shall refer to get the rulings of its affairs in religion and life? The followers asked this question to the Imam himself since they were sure that someone must play this role. The Prophet, however, had already assigned to whom this nation must refer: Religious jurisprudents are the trustees of prophets.(1)
Who shall we refer to?
something to fall down from it,"(1) and "The mind of someone who leaves listening to intellects shall be dead."2
Additional Reading:
Means (Way) to Allah (PART IV)
animals, water, people, Muslims and others. If we contemplate, we will find rulings such as:
leader is the general leader of the nation. On the basis of his knowledge, education, science, courage and competency, he is qualified to execute the rulings of Islam and not to allow any enemy to strike Islam and its rulings, loot the resources of Muslims, kill Muslims, falsify the belief and religion, and spread heresies. He is the safeguard of the nation’s frontiers and resources from the looters. Consequently, the religious jurisprudence leadership is must and indispensable or we shall become a nation without a leader, and a religion without a guide and a flock of lamps that have no shepherd or defender in a forest of wolves. The religious jurisprudent leader is indispensable and we must follow him that is like praying, fasting, performing hajj, etc… It is even more essential than other rulings because if it were absent, no rulings would be executed or applied, and if it is present, frontiers would be guarded and religion and believers would be defended. If we worship day and night and then we do not follow the religious- jurisprudent leader it will be as if we had not worshiped at all.
triumphed. He personally looked after the resistance directly and issued orders and directions and supervised its work. He blessed the resistance with his instructions, supplications and support.
10- One of the blessings of the existence and obedience expressed to the jurisprudent leader is the victory achieved in Lebanon on Israel.
Additional Reading: