Mobilizing System

الناشر: جمعية المعارف الإسلامية الثقافية

تاريخ الإصدار: 2018-03

النسخة: 2011


مركز المعارف للتأليف والتحقيق



May Allah, Glory to Him, include me in the gathering of the mobilizing troops and members who are the source of perfectness and pride in the doomsday”.
Imam Al-Khamenei
What does such a request mean? What do mobilizing members who are youths at age represent? What drives a grand and an active scholar like Imam Al-Khamenei to say so? How does he perceive these young men? Why does he see them as belonging to the stage of perfectness?
Imam Al-Khamenei insists on the importance of consciously recognizing the value of mobilizing system. He believes that such recognition should be obtained by this body’s members at first.
Together, leaders and members of the mobilizing system should recognize the value and the importance of the Divine and high-ranked body to which they belong”.
First, youths should think about getting involved with



 the mobilizing system for being of a high spiritual value; second, this thinking should be transformed into an ultimate goal; and it is until they practically belong that they will enjoy the achievement of Allah’s guaranteed success, blessing and bounty. Such thinking, goal or belonging requires a helpful social environment.

"Basically, mobilizing system is a revolutionary phenomenon.The entire ummah, homeland, and revolution bodies should recognize the value of the mobilizing system and deal seriously with it".
Mobilizing system is not an extra side, living on the margin of the society, informational or propagandizing system.It is rather the society’s lively heart that we should activate and upon whose capabilities we should rely.
"Local official people should perceive mobilizing members with great concern for they are the individuals who are mostly reliable".
Mobilizing System by Imam Al-Khomeini 
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Imam Al-Khomeini’s wisdom has been shown through the way he deals with challenges; the foundation of the mobilizing system is the most prominent among them".



 Imam Al Khomeini’s blessed effort has led into creating the mobilizing system; by doing so, he has just established a new equation that versus all of the past and mainstream ones.His shrewdness has enabled him to determine the points of strength in the Ummah and to consequently work on activating them.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Mobilizing troops are the greatest and the most eternal memorial of the grand Imam Al-Khomeini".
Imam Al-Khomeini himself explains further about the importance of this system as saying: 
"Mobilizing system is a good fruitful tree; from its branches all of the sweetness of reunion and the softness of certainty and the speech of passionate love come out"(1).

(1) Speaking to Iranians on 21 Rabi’e Al-Awwal 1409.


Chapter One: What is Mobilizing?

 Public Movement

Imam Al-Khamenei says:
"In general, mobilizing stream is a movement that has emerged from the heart of the public, specially the youths; its members enjoy high spiritual level; their hearts are entirely with Allah.It is emerging from the public who is fully aware to any deviation and thus fights it.This is the meaning of mobilizing".
Mobilizing is a Muslim public movement so that it activates the role of the entire public in its observance of the ongoing events; it demonstrates the basic public presence in confrontation of any dangers that may surround the whole Ummah, in general, and the great Islamic Revolution, in particular.This is what Imam Al-Khamenei points out to: 
"It is not like any other military system; it is emerging from the energetic heart of the public and all of the faithful people; it is the truth that is reflecting its light all over the country; it also plays a decisive role in determining the public stances".


Chapter One: What is Mobilizing?

 It is even presented in the utmost dangerous situations that may require sacrifice of one’s own life as in military Jihad or war situation in order to get the pure Islamic goals achieved.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Mobilizing stream is a power presented in the public domain and the various administrational, social, educational and manufacturing departments, as well.Its troops and individuals demonstrate the public military presence, which is extremely important, but not as military as that of the army or the Revolutionary Guard, yet it is well-trained on fighting tactics and always ready to back up the homeland upon request, at that moment, the mobilizing troops and members may bear the greatest responsibility!".
Mobilizing Massiveness 
Mobilizing system does not embrace the elite; it is not either a classy or categorized-based structure.It rather embraces the different categories of the public.It is the most massive and the deepest movement that is able to reach every category of this Ummah: men, women, youths and the olds, as well.It is a sort of culture and presence that should be enjoyed by every sincere active person just in the sake of Allah.


Chapter One: What is Mobilizing?

 Imam Al-Khamenei says: 

"The mobilizing system embeds the culture that we wish be indorsed by our entire nation; i.e.everyone should be a mobilizing member.This is a must.Together the government system and all of the officials must have the mobilizing spirit and sense; all praise belongs to Allah, so they are, and most of them enjoy this culture and movement along with its ideas".
Contently, it is massive; but dimensionally, it is inclusive with respect to the issues it confronts.It takes the initiatives of many cultural and social activities.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Mobilizing system has presence everywhere; it takes the initiatives of many activities through which it demonstrates its familiar spiritual powers.And so it should be".
Not Timing 
Militarily, mobilizing system succeeded in the attraction of people in wartime; but, a question might rise asking about its role when peace and truce prevail over some fronts: Is this system of any need during peaceful time? 


Chapter One: What is Mobilizing?

 Imam Al-Khamenei answers: 

"It has been attempted by many to hint out that mobilizing system’s role finishes as war does.Actually, this is a satanic inspiration.I say that mobilizing system is not an issue that has the potential to go over.On the contrary of that, it is a sort of system that has to undergo increasing development and get stronger a day after another".
Its activity is not related to any specific time or place of confrontation, but rather its cultural, spiritual and public nature gains its presence essentiality and inclusiveness.
Imam Al-Khamenei addresses mobilizing members as saying: 
"Don’t ever think that the revolution has been over; no at all, it’s like a volcano that knows no rest; it is even like a river that dries out if not linked to its head".
It is essential in all times but the success of its continuity and presence depends merely on having sincere intentions relying on Allah.This is what Imam Al-Khamenei points out to:
"It is only through dependence on Allah and being attached to Him that movement of mobilizing will become lasting and continuous; otherwise, it would be


Chapter One: What is Mobilizing?

 no more than a temporary reaction or a sparkling blink for a while but then it would vanish".

Mobilizing Structure 
Does mobilizing system require more freedom or more organization for being deep in structure and inclusive in nature? 
Imam Al-Khamenei answers: 
"All praise belongs to Allah Almighty, mobilizing system has been established as an organized system and that’s how it is now and should stay forever: a foundation and a power".
Moreover, Imam Al-Khamenei even assigns the task of organizing the mobilizing body to another large and significant system: Revolutionary Guard.
"I’ve recommended that Revolutionary Guard troops be dealing seriously with mobilizing system, managing and organizing it.It’s almost half of the responsibility of the RG to do so".
The real and correct organization of the mobilizing system requires to be based upon education, sciences and hard effort.But the widest the scope of mass categories it embraces the more complex its organization becomes.


Chapter One: What is Mobilizing?

 Imam Al-Khamenei says:

"The officials of mobilizing system should take organization into their extreme significant consideration; organization is the basic and all of the education, work and intellectual process become fruitful within the frame of organization".
Culture Scope
In addition to being organized and working on practically filling the gaps in different fields, mobilizing system is before anything else a cultural movement raises awareness and refreshes the Islamic sense among the public in order to keep the entire ummah always prepared at psychological, cultural and logistic level; in doing so, it is fulfilling a sacred role in serving and defending Islam in a fruitful and correct manner.
Imam Al-Khamenei says:
"Actually, besides being a cultural movement, the mobilizing system manifests a culture by itself.It is logical, intellectual, fundamental and deep truth".
It is derived from the original Islamic culture of braveness and enthusiasm as well as independence especially in dangerous times.


Chapter One: What is Mobilizing?

 Imam Al-Khamenei says:

"The culture of the individuals of the mobilizing system is spiritual; it connotes braveness, enthusiasm, independence, freedom so that it avoids being captured by mean chains".
These characteristics are resulted due to being connected to Allah, and the school of Ahlu Al Bayt, "peace be upon them" in worshiping Allah and reciting supplications to Him. One of these supplications is the one that Imam Ali has taught to his companion "Kumail" and thus become known as the supplication of "Kumail"; in addition to that, there is the book that compiles the whole collection of the supplications of Imam Ali Bin Al-Hussein "nicknamed As-Sajad" "Peace be upon him" (i.e.for prostrating on his front head for so long time in a worshiping position) and thus known as "Al-Sahifah As-Sajadiyah" "pease be upon them".
Imam Al-Khamenei says:
"The characteristics of our mobilizing troops have been reserved due to their own relation with Almighty Allah, Ahlu al-Bayt, "peace be upon them" and the spirituality that is gained through reciting supplications, especially "Kumail’s", and performing Friday’s collective prayer.These characteristics are not found in other places, so you have to keep all of these characteristics reserved".


Chapter Two: The Necessity of Mobilizing System

 Mobilizing Benefits

The benefits of the mobilizing system are reflected in two processes: 
1.Defending of the nation 
2.Reserving national achievements
The paradox exists as it is operating in a society where world tyrants’ interests are conflicting with the basic needs of abased people.It may cost these tyrants genocide in order to snatch national resources; yet they don’t get satisfied; moreover, they seek abolishing national identity and transforming people into being ‘sincere servants’ who work on having their tyrant interests guaranteed even on the behalf of the overall national glory, dignity, identity and existence.
And when a great revolution like the one led by Imam Al-Khomeini succeeds in restoring national resources, properties and rights back, tyrants will not stay calm, but they will rather confront this nation and do their best to drive it to surrender in any oppressing way possible and available.Amid such a situation, it is 


Chapter Two: The Necessity of Mobilizing System

 thus necessary to alert and mobilize the entire nation along with its overall capacities to confront such oppression as Prophet Muhammad, May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him and his Household, states when Imam Ali, "Peace be upon him" fought against Omar Bin Al-As: 

"The whole faith has been demonstrated against the whole polytheism". 
The role of mobilizing system is crucial in the confrontation of tyrants’ military challenges that have targeted the revolution since it was launched. 
Imam Al-Khamenei says:
"I want to say that the first military and armed organization of the revolution has emerged from within the mobilizing system.The mobilizing troops have been able to perform the greatest tasks in different fields during the war; otherwise, war aftermath would definitely have been something else".
Therefore mobilizing system is the first front and the strongest in the confrontation of rival challenges.It has left historical and remarkable achievements throughout its Jihad and sacrifice defending this Ummah.
Again, Imam Al-Khamenei addresses mobilizing troops:


Chapter Two: The Necessity of Mobilizing System

 "The history of this Ummah has been built by the sacrifice you paid on the fronts; without your presence in those trenches, we would have never heard about Islam, the Islamic system and Imam Al-Khomeini’s name in this country.

Now, we dare saying that without the active presence of the mobilizing troops including men and women who have fled from their houses, schools, manufactures, and administrations in cities and villages, and practically taking the initiatives to fill the gaps in all of the fields upon requests and needs, we would not have been able to defend our homeland properly all over the time of war or to manage of the conflict, which is still ongoing.It is the mobilizing troops who have provided us with this great power".
In addition to its historical role in the past time, it is the mobilizing system where hope in future is embedded.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Trust the fact that if America and world materialistic powers get united all together to defeat this Islamic system, -I swear by Al mighty Allah- they will not be able with the presence of the faithful troops of the mobilizing system".


Chapter Two: The Necessity of Mobilizing System

 As long as the mobilizing system is reserving the Islamic and Husseiny spirit, summarized in the term of faith, America will not be able to defeat this system.This is how it has been; and this is how it will stay.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Originally, thanks to mobilizing troops for what they have done during the imposed war and even before and after this period of time".
This explains oppressors’ hatred and informational tricks against this system to distort its image.They attempt at dragging people to mistrust it and think about it as a useless weapon that would consequently be ‘abandoned; but because of the impossibility of defeating a nation having such mobilizing sense, the enemies, which are hunting for chances, desire that a nation would make its own decision, put down this sense and become disarmed in front of them. 
"Mobilizing system is bearing the basic task in defending the revolution; the opponent attack targets the armor of the revolution- this explains how mobilizing system is being in face to face against any potential danger".
Mobilizing - Leader
Islamic leader is distinguished for not being


Chapter Two: The Necessity of Mobilizing System

 autocratically imposed or post-seeker. Besides that, the very Islamic rule is not classy in a way that it could only be accessed by a certain category of people. The legal ruler is always from within the nation, his birth, early life, movement and Jihad and the way he rules are always publicly-originated.

Institutions are important in Islamic governance but their presence does not prevent the direct relation between the leader and the public or the public embrace of their leader. Thus, in this sense, Islamic institutions are not walls but rather activating means and channels.
According to this understanding, mobilizing system is an expression of the direct connection between the leader and the public; it is practically the leader’s eyes and hands that can record the general interests of Muslims and gradually establish the fundamentals of Islam.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"The day the connection between the mobilizing system and the central leadership of the country gets well-fixed, then we have the capacity by which the Islamic Republic establishes its fundamentals day after another and get properly developing".


Chapter three: Mobilizing Role


Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"The Holy Qur’ān says in Surat Al-Anfal) The Spoils( verse 62: (It is He(Allah( who strengthened you with His help and with the means of the faithful).The faithful mentioned in this verse is an expression of what is known today as the mobilizing system.The other verses that talk about the faithful people and moreover the people who put exclusive faith in Al mighty Allah are actually pointing out to this system that has been produced as a result of the intellectual and knowledge of our great Imam Al-Khomeini. Thinking about the need of the Islamic world to this system is a must now".
Imam Al-Khamenei  assures  the fact that mobilizing system is a Divine and blessed establishment.It is one of the manifestations of Allah’s grace upon this Ummah.As the above verse mentions, its role is supporting and helping the movement of Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him and his Household, and thus paving the way and preparing the proper conditions to establish the


Chapter three: Mobilizing Role

 ever Divine just rule with all of its perfect dimensions upon the arrival of Imam Al-Mahdi, Peace be upon him.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"A mobilizing member is so energetic; he seeks the development of his country; he aims at rescuing humanity and getting rid of corruption, poverty, oppression, racism, and supremacy; he refuses life under the American roof like ‘animal’; he is the citizen who cares about who is ruling the country he belongs to- whether he is corrupted, immoral, profligate, agent for foreigners; or no he is one of Allah’s good people; and whether the government is that of Allah’s enemy or Allah’s follower".
The role of the mobilizing system must not take reactionary or impromptu but rather take the initiative and have a control over different issues and fields.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Imam Al-Khomeini expects the full readiness and active presence of the mobilizing system as it is the base of the Revolution".
Then mobilizing system is not marginal at all but rather supportive especially in crucial times.


Chapter three: Mobilizing Role

 Imam Al-Khamenei says: 

"Mobilizing system means that in hard times the sons of this Ummah feel that they have a great capacity that enables them to show steadfastness in front of the enemy.Its members are always ready upon any dutiful requests".
The mobilizing system does not only participate upon request but also keeps the ground and the people ready to bear their religious responsibilities  in the confrontation of the oppressors; thus they stay at alert level doing their best in reserving and developing  the tactics of such alertness. This is one of the major dutiful tasks of mobilizing system.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Mobilizing system is manifested in its full presence and total readiness in filling the gap that Islam, the holy Qur’ān and the Master of Time and Place Imam Al-Mahdi, May our spirit be redeemed before him, require".
Protecting Youths from Deviation 
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"I think that Almighty Allah has guided our Imam 


Chapter three: Mobilizing Role

 Al-Khomeini so he established the mobilizing system that helped in getting rid of two main problems that are eating Muslim worlds elsewhere: 1.the local governments’ isolation from their public, 2. depravity  among youths”.

Nations consider their youths as the most important resource that supplies society’s vessels with new blood, energy and the capacity that enables achieving great tasks; youths are the young assistants of  today but the leaders of tomorrow; that is why enemy always tries to shake the future of any of its rival nation and attack it via their youths; rival plots and conspiracies always bear youths in mind; however such attempts are useless with faithful youths, but they become fruitful only when youths themselves submitted their responsibilities and decided withdrawing the battle of confrontation. 

One of the rival tactics is keeping youths busy with silly things and placing them on the margins of the society; however, the mobilizing system has always succeeded in performing its duty in facing such a challenge and holding youths’ attention toward the heart issues to play their crucial role in determining the destiny and the future of their Ummah.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
“The pure hearts of the faithful young troops of mobilizing


Chapter three: Mobilizing Role

 system must be kept safe from the danger plotted in rival media for they try throughout thousands of ways to pollute the spirits and the ideas of our faithful youths”.

Protecting Islam 
Mobilizing system is not just a political movement that tries to keep some rights; moreover it is a system that embraces and trustfully presents the whole of Islam as a Divine ideology and practical path of the entire humanity; Islam is the treasure that must be kept safe from any dangerous forms including the military, cultural or informational.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
Mobilizing member is the armor whose chest protects dangers that surround Islam and the holy Qur’ān”.

Defending Islamic Revolution 
Amid the past circumstances in which Muslims were abased and weak while tyrants were plotting against Islam, slaving people, dominating their national resources, and abusing their belongings and properties, it seemed like achieving a victory of an Islamic movement that is going in accordance to the original Islam a tough dream. But here it is: the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the tough dream in reality.


Chapter three: Mobilizing Role

 It seemed like a miracle; but finally achieved. It has been a tough achievement backed by Jihad and the blood of the best young martyrs, the issue that has made the responsibility of reserving it been doubled.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
Unaccompanied with the assistance of the mobilizing system whose role is basic in defending and reserving the revolution, neither Revolutionary Guard nor army can defend it because the rival attack is firstly attacking the armor of the revolution, which is the mobilizing system”.

Facing Deviations 
Socially, mobilizing system is not accidental, but rather well-rooted; it bears the national concerns and seeks public straightforwardness; its eyes are widely open scanning any domestic deviation in its early stages in order to set proper healing strategies. 

Public Communication 
Mobilizing System works on raising awareness among the public so that they can be able to be as correct as possible while taking crucial decisions.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
Mobilizing System has a crucial role in determining


Chapter three: Mobilizing Role

public stances”.

Mobilizing System works also on attracting the public so that together they can be able to occupy any vacancy in any areas including those which are military.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
Public support is extremely essential for any military movement and the public support presented through the mobilizing system is a healing for any weakness, defeat or backwardness that may hinder any movement of this brand”.

Confronting External Dangers 
Foreign affairs are among the concerns of the mobilizing system which immediately moves when Muslims are under any attack whether military, cultural or economic in order to defend national independence.

Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
Mobilizing members are greatly concerned in their homeland along with its entire construction; they are ready to sacrifice themselves to keep their national independence unharmed.Their fists will surely slap any rival economical, cultural or political attacks”.
Spy agents are also among the concerns of the


Chapter three: Mobilizing Role

 mobilizing system, as Imam Al-Khamenei explains: 

I do expect having some agents and hypocrite people who have sold themselves on the behalf of the opponent. Who faces them? It is the mobilizing members that do; they are a great rebellious power and the elite of the faithful public”.


Chapter Four: Mobilizing Traits

 Mobilizing Traits

Mobilizing body is not a systematic or hierarchical structure, ready to perform any military defense; moreover, it is Islamic in its ideology, culture and discipline; that’s why the mobilizing members enjoy some special traits including the following: 
Islamic Movement
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Mobilizing system is logical and Islamic; it responds to the social needs of its community".
Mobilizing system along with its members believes in and practices Islam.
The Islamic ideology and knowledge of the mobilizing members have been transformed into an inner faith practically applied on daily basis; as a result, these members are Muslims, disciplined in accordance to Allah’s principles, which are in turn the source of these members’ real happiness.


Chapter Four: Mobilizing Traits

 Imam Al-Khamenei says: 

"Mobilizing atmosphere is full of high values; mobilizing member means having a faithful heart and an intellectual mind, by which he is ready to get involved in any field where duty calls.The mobilizing member believes in Almighty Allah and obeys Him, is always concerned with Islamic values; besides that he is a good man, his heart is full with everything that is good, his heart is pure and unharmed by bad manners, he always tries to develop his cordial feeling to stay attached to Almighty Allah, and consequently be always His good creature who goes in accordance to His principles; in addition to that, he believes that this path is the one leading to Almighty Allah".
According to Islamic calculations and considerations that are born by the mobilizing member, happiness is achieved through obeying Almighty Allah.Besides that, mobilizing female members are reminding others with Allah’s presence through their obedience as they are wearing the Islamic custom of «hijab» and adopting decent standards.They call for Almighty Allah through their faith and deeds.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Our dear sisters of mobilizing members are veiled and decent ladies, adhered to «Shari’a» standards,


Chapter Four: Mobilizing Traits

 reminding us with the first original period of Islam, bearing the greatest responsibilities defending  sacred Islam, and part of the millions of people who belong to this revolution".

Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"The soul of mobilizing member accepts Divine knowledge and thus does not consider personal content and happiness would be achieved through worldly and temporal pleasant life or colorful and attractive clothes; such a soul does not enjoy that sort of materialistic pleasant satisfaction even for one hour; to this soul, such low and insignificant matters are of no consideration".
According to Islamic ideology, this life is no more than a temporal world whose human deeds and intentions will be presented in the other afterlife; thus, mobilizing member is always busy in building up for his afterlife; he never thinks about a worldly post or wealth; thus this present life is simply a path to reach Allah’s satisfaction and content; his all human aspects of body, soul, heart and intellect are being connected to Almighty Allah.Obeying Allah’s principles in this life is highly valuable; moreover, it is the axes of his movement; the utmost goal he seeks to achieve is Allah’s satisfaction and content.


Chapter Four: Mobilizing Traits

 Imam Al-Khamenei says: 

"It is frequently said that mobilizing members do not fight for materialistic properties but rather they do fight for goals and values.Actually this is the core of the Divine Islamic knowledge".
Rational, Aware 
As Prophet Muhammad, May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him and his Household, says: 
"Believer is well-mannered, shrewd, and cautious"(1).
Thus, a mobilizing member is a good follower of what’s going on in the Islamic world and his contemporary age, he behaves according to his high reasonable intellect without chaos or quickness in making any decision.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"A mobilizing member is a thinker and intellectual. Besides that, the entire mobilizing system has been started as a transparent logical movement of well-considered work terminated with fruitful and practical results; this is one of the traits characterizing the mobilizing body and members, as well".
Some might mistakenly think that being an obedient

(1) Bihar al-Anwar, volume 64, page 307.


Chapter Four: Mobilizing Traits

 and a follower or supporter to a leader like the governance jurist is something that would be on behalf of being educated and conscious. However, although that such obeying is dutiful- yet it is not acceptable if it is not based upon obeying on knowledge and thinking; thus a well based obedience is much better in any case!

Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Awareness is a basic level of the mobilizing system and members in the Islamic Republic; we don’t accept having people with blind sight and obedience or readiness to fight without knowing what’s going on".
Mobilizing members are highly cultured and educated to the extent that make them as being qualified enough to occupy a leading role in confronting the challenges imposed by tyrants.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"The culture of the mobilizing member is the one that is derived from courage, enthusiasm, high spirituality, freedom and independence, and avoid getting trapped in the mean materialistic chains".
These terms are the lanterns of mobilizing members;


Chapter Four: Mobilizing Traits

 these members are totally independent from any Western and the Eastern cultures; they are Islamic in culture and mood as they are always concerned about human righteous issues; they are courageous so that nothing would threaten them or hinder their movement in fulfilling their developing role in confrontation and fighting domain; besides that, they are not materialistic so that such life would never humiliate or enslave them; they are free from this life’s bounds, glory and illusions.

They are Allah’s people who favor Almighty Allah and Almighty Allah favors them too. 
Mobilizing members are not chaos at all; on the contrary, they follow and respect laws and rules; moreover, they persuade people to do so; thinking otherwise is incorrect.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Thinking that a mobilizing member is careless about laws and rules must be cancelled, for it is surely mistaken; on the contrary; he is the first citizen who has a burning desire to obey laws".
Besides that, mobilizing members are well-disciplined and mannered in accordance with Islamic


Chapter Four: Mobilizing Traits

 principles, just as Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq «Peace be upon him» says:

"Be good representatives of us (Ahlu al-Bayt), and do not bring shame to us!’’(1).
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"The basic manners that characterize the mobilizing member are disciplines, etiquettes, Islamic manners; these are the manners that must be adapted by him before anybody else.He has to gain public trust, and be a model in adopting modesty, mercy, and respecting laws.His general behavior and disciplines must be more Islamic than anyone else".
Mobilizing members must be the first who present these manners; otherwise who would do so? 
Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadiq, «Peace be upon him» says:
"Avoid both laziness and boredom for they block your luck in present life and afterlife, as well"(2).
Mobilizing members are fully energetic and highly committed; laziness knows no way to them and can’t hinder their effort to fulfill their Islamic duties.

(1) Wasa’l al-Shi’a, Edition of Alu Al-Bayt; Volume 12, page 8.
(2) Tafseer nour Al-Thakalayen, volume.1, page 567.


Chapter Four: Mobilizing Traits

 Imam Al-Khamenei says: 

"Mobilizing member is highly determined".
Nationally Attentive  
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Mobilizing member is greatly concerned about national issues, the general path of his homeland, and any rival cultural and military attacks; he can’t move on toward the direction of corruption; he doesn’t give himself a chance to think about committing something corrupted promoted by the opponents; in brief, this is the mobilizing member".
He is not careless; he is not on the marginal; he is not selfish; he is not unfamiliar with national issues.On the contrary, he is totally aware and detective to crucial issues.
Basically, mobilizing system is a movement that works on paving the way for Imam Al-Mahdi, May Almighty Allah expedite his arrival as soon as possible.
As they keep working, mobilizing members are

(1) Mahdist means related to Imam Al Mahdi, Peace be upon him.


Chapter Four: Mobilizing Traits

 always yearning to present themselves as supporters and warriors of his front as he arrives; they want to deliver a message to their Master Imam al-Mahdi, Peace be upon him, as stating: 

"Dear our Master, we support you by our words, hearts, deeds and swords; our hearts and eyes are yearning to see you; we are awaiting your flag fluttering high in the sky; our Jihad and deeds assure that we are following your path; we are under your leadership; we are ready to get our spirits, parents and money redeemed before your presence; this is our message to you; and this is our convention".
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"The held convention between our Master Imam Al-Mahdi, May our spirits be redeemed before him, and our dear mobilizing members is constant and unshakable".
Thus, mobilizing members are actually the potential warriors of Imam Al-Mahdi, Peace be upon him.
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Dear mobilizing troops, consider yourselves the warriors of Master of our time, May our spirits be


Chapter Four: Mobilizing Traits

 redeemed before him; wherever you are -in universities, the Islamic Scholar institutions, schools, villages or cities- let your work be for Imam Al-Mahdi, May Allah expedite his honorable arrival, and ask Almighty Allah to offer you His guaranteed success and help".





Chapter Five: Readying Mobilizing Troops

 Mosques: Mobilizing Troops’ Headquarters 

When Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him and his Household, immigrated from Mecca into Yathrib in Al-Madinah Al-Monawara, the first thing he did was building a mosque named later after his name: The mosque of Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him and his Household.He believes the mosque is a fundamental structure required for establishing the entire Islamic state and spreading his mission. Since that time, the mosque has become the axis of the Islamic movement. Originally, mosque is a sacred place for worshiping Almighty Allah; besides that, it is used for educating people about Islamic «Shari’a» and jurisdiction; it is also gathering place of Muslims militants and the two Islamic types of Jihad called respectively: The greater Jihad (the military one); the smaller Jihad  (the spiritual one; i.e. mediation and considering one’s deeds and intentions).Based on all of these, the mosque has got great role in the mobilizing movement until it becomes its real headquarters and axis.


Chapter Five: Readying Mobilizing Troops

 Imam Al-Khamenei says: 

"Mosques are the best places for the troops of both resistance and mobilizing.Mosques are very significant places and headquarters".
Thus, its role must be kept active, not getting lost or oblivious at.
Stay Organized 
Imam Al-Khamenei says: 
"Mobilizing members are from within the public; they work hard, but they must stay organized and educated".
Having members from different mass groups, workers or employees, must not create chaos among them.On the contrary, the mobilizing troops who carry the specific mentioned traits must therefore stay more organized than any others else.Organization means being beneficial, productive and fulfilling duty properly.Imam Al-Khamenei has repeatedly insisted on mobilizing system organization as saying.
"Officials of mobilizing body must pay great attention to.Organization, for it is basic in order to get fruitful results from work, education and intellect combined together".


Chapter Five: Readying Mobilizing Troops

 Stay Trained 

Mobilizing troops are Islamic defensive army; They should be always present and alert to confront any potential rival attack.These troops are the armor of Islam; militarily, they must be highly trained so that they can fulfill their role whenever required to face any external or internal challenges and the various and comprehensive dangers that are currently facing the entire Islamic world.
Imam Al-Khamenei says:
"We have to stay alert for defending the Islamic Revolution; we must never become oblivious at the importance of that.Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib «Peace be upon him» says: ‘None would sleep instead of the one who is supposed to sleep’(1); that is why mobilizing troops, especially youths, must stay physically fit, able and ready as usual to defend this revolution".
Therefore, youths must not be satisfied with primary training but rather must go ahead in advanced levels and always develop their capacities.

(1) Nahj Al Balagha, Message 62 sent to Egyptians from Imam Ali, Peace be upon him, by his newly appointed ruler over Egypt Malik Al Ashtar.


Chapter Five: Readying Mobilizing Troops

 Imam Al-Khamenei says:

"Primary military training must never be sufficient; advanced training must be continuous".
Stay Cultured
Culture is the basic of the mobilizing body; thus cultural programs must stay running at the mobilizing headquarters in order to face the cultural pollution that is attacking youths through rival media.
Imam Al-Khamenei says:
"Let these young believers and the pure hearts of the mobilizing troops be away from the dangers designed by rival media; the enemy is polluting the spirits and the minds of our good youths; this is one of its tactics; besides that they are adopting thousands of means to pollute the ideas of the youths".
Stay Pious 
In addition to being highly trained, educated and cultured, there is another aspect that must be carefully reserved: The spiritual one; that is staying pious in a way that prevents from committing any sins in order not to let our youths be easily trapped to materialistic seductions.Being religious, pious and fearing Allah is


Chapter Five: Readying Mobilizing Troops

 the characteristics and the identity of the mobilizing individual.

Imam Al-Khamenei says:
"Know that the weapons adopted by the enemy against whom you raise ‘Death’ slogan (1) is spreading the seeds of sins, desires and corruptions in an attempt to get you dragged to such atmosphere.Pay attention! It is true that our youths are strongly faithful and pure but there are still others who are not strong enough so that they may surrender to rival and Satanic tricks.It is your responsibility to reserve this specific group from such tricks".

(1) “Death to America”; “Death to Israel”.




Mobilizing System is our Pride
To belong to such an intellectual, cultural, and religious system that fills the gaps and takes the initiatives in confronting challenges should be the wish of every one of us.This system is based on piety, sacrifice, and fearing and loving Almighty Allah.It is thus our source of pride.Imam Al-Khamenei himself wishes he were one of the mobilizing members.
"I am proud for being a mobilizing member and I would like to announce that I am fully ready to defend this revolution from whatever post I occupy".
However, being proud is not sufficient at all for such feeling must be associated with practical steps to keep the efforts and sacrifice of the mobilizing body reserved; these steps may be expressed through audio-visual, painting and print productions.
We owe this Ummah the right of reserving the efforts of the mobilizing system.We owe it the right of clarifying



 its position, civilization and enlightening role and consequently presenting it among other civilizations.We owe coming generations the right of transmitting this righteous heritage into their time; it should be transmitted honestly so that it will be demonstrated in its best image, practice and methodology; it should be transmitted in artful means that targets emotions and conscious.Specialized and creative people should do their best to reserve this heritage in their own special and various ways.

Imam Al-Khamenei says:
"I see that the eternal stances of mobilizing system have never been recorded; they must undergo editing and publishing channels; there’s a great gap in writing books, stories and plays, drawing pictures, making films, animations, exhibitions, and many others in order to make this heritage available in the hands of people who have not seen mobilizing achievements".
May Allah let us be among mobilizing members; May this command be interpreted in statements and deeds.All praise belongs to Almighty Allah.

Mobilizing System